See an Ayurvedic Doctor in the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic
Ayurvedic Consultations available in Boulder, CO or virtually
We are a COVID-safe clinic!
Ayurveda, literally translated as the “science of life,” is the ancient Indian art of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Based on harmonizing the natural elements within and around us, Ayurvedic medicine is a time-tested system of holistic health that is highly specific to each unique individual. Ayurvedic treatments include delicious foods, medicinal herbs, massage, yoga, meditation, and other simple lifestyle changes that work to restore your body to its innate, healthy balance. Learn more about Ayurvedic medicine.
In the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic, our skilled practitioners listen with deep awareness to your health concerns, assess your unique constitution according to Ayurveda, and provide you with completely individualized treatments and herbal preparations that support your holistic health.
How will Ayurveda support your holistic health?
Ayurveda can provide you with tangible solutions for overcoming:
Chronic pain
Chronic indigestion or Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS/IBD)
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Women’s health challenges including: painful menstruation, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), perimenopausal symptoms and fertility challenges.
Men’s health challenges including: inflamed prostate and sexual dysfunction
Candida and parasites
Low libido
Parkinson disease
Alzheimer's disease
Hormonal imbalance
Thyroid imbalance
Skin problems
Ayurveda for cats and dogs
And more!
Ayurveda can also support you through:
Recovery from cancer or major illness
Conception and Pregnancy
Significant life transitions
In addition, Ayurveda:
Cleanses the body of accumulated toxins
Helps to promote immunity and longevity
Helps to restore your body’s natural balance
Provides an overall rejuvenation to body, mind, and spirit
Both virtual and in-person consultations are completely confidential and are conducted in a caring and supportive environment.
What to Expect from Your experience
Initial consultations include a detailed personal history and Ayurvedic assessment of health including questioning, tongue reading, nail reading and pulse reading. You can expect to learn your Prakruti (constitution) and your Vikruti (current state of imbalance), and how to work with these in your daily life. You will receive a customized outline for treatment as well as a individualized herbal formula, designed specifically to support you in working toward your health goals. During the academic year, lifestyle counseling is provided without additional cost by the Alandi Gurukula student apprentices. This includes a personalized take home plan that is especially prepared for you focusing diet, daily routine, exercise, habits, aromatherapy and spirituality. Read testimonials from Alandi patients.
Choose One of Two Options for Your Care at Alandi
See Alakananda Ma, Expert Ayurvedic Practitioner
Alakananda Ma, A.D. is a renowned Ayurvedic expert and graduate of a top London medical school. She is recognized by NAMA as an Ayurvedic Doctor, and is co-founder of Alandi Ayurveda Clinic and Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula in Boulder Colorado. She is also a spiritual mother, teacher, flower essence maker and storyteller. Alakananda is well known and highly respected in the Ayurveda community both nationally and internationally. Alakananda Ma works closely with your MD or other health professional to create a wellness plan that is aligned with your Western model of care.
Initial appointment — $295 (1.5 hours) Herbs are an additional charge
Follow Up — $145 (45 minutes) Herbs are an additional charge
Extended Follow Up (haven’t been in for over 1 year) — $195 (1 hour) Herbs are an additional charge
Child or Pet Initials — $195 (1 hour) Herbs are an additional charge
Flower Essence — $195 (1 hour) Essences are an additional charge
See an Ayurvedic Student Apprentice
If you’re looking for a more affordable option, consider treating yourself, friends or loved ones to an Ayurvedic consultation with one of our highly skilled Ayurvedic student apprentices. All consultations with Ayurvedic student apprentices are supervised by expert Ayurvedic practitioner Alakananda Ma.
For only $108, this Alandi Ayurveda Wellness Package includes:
2.5-hour initial appointment with an Advanced Ayurvedic Student Apprentice
a one-month supply of healing herbs, lifestyle counseling
a one-hour follow-up appointment.
Follow up appointments — $55 each.