Episode 37: Kena Upanishad Part 2

When the gods get too big for their boots, Brahman decides to teach them a lesson. What happens next?

Hear Alakananda Ma expound the fascinating third chapter of Kena Upanishad.

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Episode 36: Spirituality and Your Work Life

In the age of monasticism, spirituality and worldly life were seen as incompatible. Today, most mystics and seekers must work in an environment alien to their values.  How can you bring your workday to the path?

Learn a step by step process for bringing your work life to path.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 35: Ayurveda for Long Covid

“The most important way to help people with Long Covid is to listen to them and believe what they say.”

Alakananda Ma

You will learn:

  • How covid may have affected your long term health

  • What to do to protect your longevity

  • What viral persistence is

  • How SARS-CoV-2 affects other lingering viruses

  • How to regain your health if you have Long Covid

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 34: Sexuality and Spirituality

 “This calls for a path where we engage in genuine relationships and seek for genuine intimacy.  Because that’s what the feminine is calling out for.  At long last I am not just going to be your dedicated temple maiden, your semi-slave semi-wife to reproduce your sperm survival thing, not just the ideal you’ve glimpsed from a window that’s inspired all your art and poetry for your whole life because I’m your muse.  I’m not just going to be the nun, or the whore, or even the mother, or any of these parts anymore, because I’m all of them.  This is what the woman of today is calling for - ‘see me as a whole’”

For the last two thousand years, sexuality and spirituality were seen as opposing forces. What is the place of sexuality within our spiritual path?  A talk relevant for Lovers— of all varieties of sexual orientation.

You will learn:

  • How sexuality was seen in each of the Four Ages

  • What is the future evolution of our sexuality?

  • What can you gain from each of the previous ages

  • The interplay of sexuality and celibacy

  • The importance of sexual diversity

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 33: Kena Upanishad Part 1

“This syllable Om is indeed Brahman. This syllable is the highest. Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires.”

Who is the ear of the ear, the mind of the mind, the speech of speech? Join Alakananda Ma in an exploration of Kena Upanishad.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 32: Approaching Meditation

“Your ice cream will melt but your meditation practice will have permanent benefits.”

You will learn:

  • Obstacles to meditation

  • Benefits of meditation

  • How to get started

  • Resources to go deeper

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Is menopause affecting your mood? see our course Ayurveda for Menopause. Take 15% off this course through the month of January with the code MENO15.

Episode 31: Working with Anger

“Any emotion simply allowed to flower will spontaneously liberate itself.  Emotion is not separate from the mind, yet it is completely empty of any real essence. “

You will learn:

  • Working with anger through awareness

  • Applying remedies to work with anger

  • Working with anger through mind- training

  • The tantric approach to working with anger

  • How to use non-violent communications to work with anger

  • Menopause and anger

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

To learn more about anger and menopause, see our course Ayurveda for Menopause. Take 15% off this course through the month of January with the code MENO15.

Episode 30: The Razor's Edge--Making a Commitment to the Spiritual Path

Oh brother, Oh sister, don’t waste this precious human birth,

On idle pleasures and futile cares,

Fame and wealth mean nothing when you die,

You can’t take with you even one needle,

This life will vanish like a dream,

Or like the stars before the rising sun,

Nobody knows when death will come,

So take the holy name while you can,

And do a little kindness everyday.

Alakananda Ma

This year, make the best possible New Year’s resolution by beginning or deepening your commitment to the spiritual path.

In this talk, you will learn:

  • The Four Reminders

  • The four qualities of a spiritual seeker, according to Vedanta

  • How to apply these qualities in the four stages of life

  • How to find your motivation for the spiritual path

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 29: Miracle of Light Poetry Reading

This season of dark nourishes me.
Creativity germinates beneath rotting leaves
Poems sprout in frosty soil
Inner journeys unfold.
Driven within
By chilly nights
I seek the inner spark.

In this episode, relax and enjoy Alakananda Ma reading some of her poetry at her birthday celebration. Find some special inspiration for the holiday season.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 28: Katha Upanishad Part 2

“Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn. Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say—hard to tread and difficult to cross.” Katha Upanishad

What is true awakening? How can you awaken? Learn from the ancient seers as Ma teaches Katha Upanishad.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 27: Winter Wellness with Ayurveda

“In winter, the people are strong, the digestive fire becomes powerful because it gets obstructed from spreading out due to the cold weather. It begins to digest the tissues of the body, helped by vata in the body; so in winter, make use of substances with the sweet, sour and salty tastes.” Ashtanga Hridaya

Learn how to take care of yourself and enjoy the winter season.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 26: Goddesses Within

“ Whether you are a woman, a man or non-binary, you have four asteroids in your chart. The goddesses dwell within you and express in specific areas of your life.”

  • Learn about the four asteroid goddesses and the different expressions of the feminine.

  • Why are conventional wife and mother roles not sufficient for your full manifestation?

  • What are the unconventional archetypes at play in your life?

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 25: Beyond Feminism--The Spiritual Mission of Women

“This is that time when the male gods are impotent. This is that time when only the Mother can deliver us.”

Once confined to children and kitchen, women today express their gifts in the world of action. What is the spiritual mission of women in the age of the Mother’s awakening? For women and all who love them!

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 24: Katha Upanishad Part 1

“The goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at and which men desire when they lead the life of brahmacharya, I will tell you briefly: it is Om. This syllable Om is indeed Brahman. This syllable is the Highest. Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires.”

Katha Upanishad

What happens when a bright young boy wanders into the halls of Death? What does he learn? To find the answers, join Ma in this exploration of Katha Upanishad.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 23: Ayurveda and Chronic Disease

Learn about the underlying causes of chronic diseases and how Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and herbal supplements can help you improve your wellbeing.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 22: War No More--Healing the Male Wound

“Heroism is an essential quality of the masculine: It’s what makes men strong and it’s what makes men immensely vulnerable abuse or exploitation. Every man has the heart of a hero and wants to take that hero’s journey and wants to fight, wants to sacrifice his life and even his body on behalf of protecting, serving, helping others. That’s the hero’s journey. And for the last four thousand years this genuine aspiration has been callously exploited.”

When the warrior distorts into the techno-killer, can the Mother of Compassion manifest?  How can the unique gifts of men be freed to serve the Mother’s awakening? For men and all who love them!

You will learn:

  • The four wounds of the masculine

  • The five qualities of the warrior described in Bhagavad Gita

  • The difference between a warrior and a soldier

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 21: Nourishing Life--Food and Spirituality

“ To connect with the Mother is to honour food, for food comes from the mother.”

Food is our most basic need. In a time of anorexic supermodels and super-sized fast food, how can you reconnect to the sacredness of genuine nourishment? 

  • How have we related to food in the different ages?

  • Our hunter gatherer brain in the supermarket

  • Why do we eat?

  • What are the two kinds of malnutrition?

  • How is our food prepared?

  • Where and how are we eating?

  • Elevating the sparks

  • The most important fire sacrifice is the one we do three times a day.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 20: Isha Upanishad

Just as a bad smell in a piece of sandal, arising from moisture, is overcome by true fragrance when the sandal piece is rubbed, so indeed, will all the variety of the world disappear at the perception of the one truly existent Self.


Explore Isha Upanishad with Ma and discover the meaning of soham asmi.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 19: Earth in Crisis--Meeting the Challenge

Is there an unfolding spirituality that offers hope for the current crisis?

 “When I go out into the forest I don’t just see trees, I see naiads sitting by the river, I see draiads sitting in the trees, I don’t necessarily see their physical forms, but I’m very aware of these beings; I see flower fairies, little balls of light jumping around between the flowers. On the whole, as rational people, we’ve lost the ability to have this animistic view, to see the subtle  beings that inhabit our forests, our lakes, our rivers. And then we go there and we have matter and Spirit separated and this is just matter, so it’s less.”

You will learn:

  • How we got into this crisis

  • How your world view affects the way you treat the earth

  • What is the theandro-cosmic view of the Vedas?

  • How an ancient Vedic hymn can help us meet the challenge we face.

  • How you can help.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.

Episode 18: Ayurveda for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative condition after Alzheimer’s. Learn how Ayurveda can help you or your loved ones with this condition.

You will learn:

  • How Ayurveda sees Parkinson’s

  • Ayurvedic diet support for Parkinson’s

  • Ayurvedic lifestyle support for Parkinson’s

  • The best way to use Ayurvedic herbal supplements for Parkinson’s

    Learn more about Ayurvedic nutrition here.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a 5 star review, and share it with a friend. For more enlightening discussions and practical wisdom on Ayurveda and spirituality, subscribe and join our facebook group, Alandi Ayurveda To allow us to continue sharing valuable content, consider donating to Alandi Ashram. Until next time, may you walk the path of Ayurveda with grace and embrace the light of spiritual wisdom in your journey.